Each person invited to celebrate with us on the day is named on your RSVP postcard, unless you've spoken to us separately. Capacity at our venue is tight, so our wedding will be relatively intimate. While we’d love to extend an invitation to our loved ones’ loved ones, this unfortunately isn’t possible. Thank you for understanding.
If you'd like to know which of our mutual friends are attending to help with accommodation and travel sharing, just drop us a text.
We adore all the children in our lives, but again due to venue restrictions, we can only accommodate children in our bridal party (who are immediate family) plus babies in arms on our wedding day.
We hope parents can use the opportunity for a well-deserved weekend off!
Our Celebrant will remind you just before it starts, but we’d like to impose a no-camera rule for our ceremony. We want to see your lovely faces as we wed, not your phones! We’ll share our photographer’s imagery with you once received.
Look out for a shared iCloud album for everyone to add pictures from the rest of the day.
We're asking a lot of our loved ones in both time and expense to celebrate our day with us, so no gifting necessary. Honestly.
For those who still refuse to accept this as an answer, a contribution to our honeymoon, which we're hoping to make the experience of a lifetime, would be very generous.
Straight after the wedding, we’re heading to San Fransisco for 3 nights, before travelling onwards to the French Polynesia to live our best Moana lives for a week. Before we head home, we’re having a pit stop back in California at Napa Valley, to drown our post-wedding blues away in delicious wine.
The itinerary is complete, but if you’d like to contribute to something specific, such as an experience or round of drinks, please let us know in your card so we can be sure to spend it as intended.